[ES_JOBS_NET] Vacancy: Researcher position on modelling the properties of the atmosphere (Kuopio, Finland)

Mielonen Tero (FMI) Tero.Mielonen at fmi.fi
Tue Apr 9 01:35:43 MDT 2024

Hi all,

If you are interested in developing atmospheric models, Finnish Meteorological Institute offers an open position for doctoral student. You

will get to carry out atmospheric model simulations, analyze model data, and evaluate the data against atmospheric observations.

More info on the position and how to apply can be found here:


The Atmospheric Research Centre of Eastern Finland operates both in premises of the University of Eastern Finland at the Kuopio campus and in the Dynamicum building in Kumpula, Helsinki. The unit currently employs 25 researchers, whose research topics revolve around research of climate change and health effects of atmospheric constituents, focusing mainly on atmospheric aerosol particles. The research is carried out in close collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland.

For more details, please contact Head of Group Tero Mielonen, tero.mielonen at fmi.fi<mailto:tero.mielonen at fmi.fi> , or +358 50 401 8738<tel:+358504018738>.

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