[ES_JOBS_NET] postdoc position at NOAA-AOML, Miami, US

Gomez Romero, Fabian fabian at ngi.msstate.edu
Thu May 25 10:23:13 MDT 2023

To whom it may concern,

I would like to share a job announcement (below) with people that may be interested.
Thanks in advance.

Dr. Fabian Gomez
Research Scientist
Northern Gulf Institute and NOAA/AOML

Postdoctoral Associate position:

The Northern Gulf Institute at Mississippi State University has an exciting opportunity for a full-time Postdoctoral Associate to work at NOAA-AOML (Miami, Florida). The function of the postdoc is to contribute to developing a numerical modeling system for sub-seasonal to seasonal warnings of red tide and hypoxia over the West Florida Shelf. Duties include but are not limited to: 1) conduct numerical model experiments using the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS); 2) analyze model outputs; and 3) present research results in scientific meetings and publish in peer-reviewed journals. Link to apply: https://explore.msujobs.msstate.edu/cw/en-us/job/505077

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