[ES_JOBS_NET] MSc and PhD studentships | Permafrost thaw and land-water ocean connections in Canada’s north

Suzanne Tank suzanne.tank at ualberta.ca
Tue May 16 13:27:01 MDT 2023

I am currently recruiting MSc and PhD candidates for an ongoing project examining the effects of permafrost thaw on carbon, nutrient, and toxin cycles in the Canadian north. The successful candidate will join a team that has worked for several years in the western Canadian Arctic to understand how massive permafrost thaw propagates through stream networks, and ultimately affects regional and global biogeochemical cycles. This work is part of a collaborative effort that includes scientists at the University of Alberta (led by Dr. Suzanne Tank <http://www.suzannetank.net> ), other Canadian institutions, and territorial government institutions. 


I anticipate several focal projects as part of these efforts, including:


·       Examining how materials released by permafrost thaw move through aquatic networks, and key processing points along the aquatic continuum

·       Specific examination of the effect of thaw on downstream nutrient cycles and nutrient uptake

·       Specific examination of how the transport of toxins, such as mercury, is enhanced as a result of thawing permafrost


Positions will be based in the Department of Biological Sciences <https://www.ualberta.ca/biological-sciences/about-the-department>  at the University of Alberta <https://www.ualberta.ca/about> , with an anticipated start date for initial applications between January and September of 2024. The University of Alberta is one of Canada’s top research institutions, and the Department of Biological Sciences offers a competitive salary and research support package to all of its graduate trainees.  


To apply, please send an email to suzanne.tank at ualberta.ca <file://srit-fs-srv.facsci.ualberta.ca/tank/Suzanne_Tank/Field%20planning_Inuvik/suzanne.tank@ualberta.ca> , with the subject line “Studentship in Arctic biogeochemistry”. Applicants should include a statement of interest, a CV, and a copy of transcripts (unofficial transcripts are acceptable). Recruitment for these positions will be ongoing. However, please note that the cutoff date for January 2024 admissions is July 31, 2023.



Suzanne Tank

Associate Professor

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta


Edmonton, Alberta | ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ (Amiskwacîwâskahikan)

Treaty 6 and Métis Territory


P 780.248.1152 | W  <http://www.suzannetank.net/> www.suzannetank.net


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