[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral opportunities at UMN in atmospheric chemistry and remote sensing!

Dylan Millet dbm at umn.edu
Tue Jan 31 09:10:09 MST 2023

The atmospheric chemistry group at University of Minnesota (
https://www.atmoschem.umn.edu) invites applications for two postdoctoral
1) Using new satellite-based measurements to advance atmospheric
composition forecasts in the GEOS-CF system; and
2) Using new satellite-based measurements with the GEOS-Chem model to
improve understanding of fire VOC emissions and their impacts on
atmospheric chemistry.

For more details see https://z.umn.edu/atmoschem-pd-1 and
https://z.umn.edu/atmoschem-pd-2. Successful candidates will be part of our
dynamic research group at UMN while also working closely with our
collaborators at other institutions. Opportunities exist for remote work
where necessary.

Dylan Millet
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
University of Minnesota | www.atmoschem.umn.edu
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