[ES_JOBS_NET] University of St Andrews (Scotland) geochemistry postdoc and technician positions and PhD studentship available

Andrea Burke ab276 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Mon Dec 18 10:03:17 MST 2023

The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of St Andrews is looking to recruit a 3 year postdoc and a 3 year laboratory technician to work on a project investigating the influence of volcanic sulfate aerosols on climate. The major goal of this work is to improve historical estimates of climate forcing from sulfate, a key input to PMIP simulations of the past 1000 years, and a topical issue in recent climate trends. Specifically the postdoc and technician will be measuring sulfur isotopes by MC-ICP-MS in ice core samples from recent volcanic eruptions such as Pinatubo, Agung, and Katmai/Novarupta. This will allow us to recalibrate how we scale volcanic sulfate deposition on ice sheets to a stratospheric sulfur loading for past volcanic eruptions.  The project takes advantage of new ice cores and novel isotope fingerprinting to disentangle stratospheric sulfate from other sources (as in this recent paper<https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2221810120> ) and is in collaboration with colleagues at the British Antarctic Survey, Durham, and Oslo.

The deadline for these positions is Wednesday Jan 10, 2024. Please pass on to anyone you think might be interested! Any informal questions can be directed to Andrea Burke (ab276 at st-andrews.ac.uk)

There is also a fully-funded PhD studentship advertised for a project measuring high resolution sulfur isotopes on major eruptions over the Common Era.

Deadline for this PhD studentship is Jan 31, 2024.

Further details can be found here:

3 Year Laboratory Technician – TG1302HM <https://www.vacancies.st-andrews.ac.uk/Vacancies/W/6248/0/412067/889/laboratory-technician-tg1302hm>

3 Year Post-Doctoral Researcher - AR2903HM<https://www.vacancies.st-andrews.ac.uk/Vacancies/W/6901/0/412202/889/research-fellow-ar2903hm/>

PhD Studentship<https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/assets/university/schools/school-of-earth-and-environmental-sciences/documents/phd-project-descriptions/phd-2023/Burke_PhD_studentship_advert_2024.pdf>

Andrea Burke

Senior Lecturer

Director of Postgraduate Research

School of Earth and Environmental Sciences

University of St Andrews

Bute Building, Queen's Terrace,

St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9TS

ab276 at st-andrews.ac.uk

The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532

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