[ES_JOBS_NET] Repost: Middlebury College Climate Science VAP

Jacobel, Allison ajacobel at middlebury.edu
Wed Dec 6 17:24:50 MST 2023

Middlebury College seeks a 2-yr Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Climate Sciences. This is a sabbatical replacement for profs Jacobel and Ryan (24-25), and Ultee and Amidon (25-26). Please see the job ad linked below.


Allison Jacobel

Allison W. Jacobel

Assistant Professor
Department of Earth and Climate Sciences
Middlebury College
ajacobel at middlebury.edu<mailto:ajacobel at middlebury.edu>


Visiting Scientist
Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences
Brown University
jacobel at brown.edu<mailto:jacobel at brown.edu>

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