[ES_JOBS_NET] Atmospheric Sciences position at University of Chile

Langley DeWitt langley at igacproject.org
Thu Aug 24 16:56:00 MDT 2023

An academic position has recently been opened within the Department of
Geophysics at the University of Chile, Santiago. This full-time position,
reserved for female applicants solely, focuses on the field of Atmospheric
Sciences and entails a strong commitment to research, undergraduate and
graduate teaching, and university outreach.

Within the field of Atmospheric Sciences, we favour applicants in
Atmospheric Chemistry. The position is open to candidates at any stage of
their academic career and will remain open until September 29, 2023.
Interested individuals should direct their inquiries to
concurso2023 at dgf.uchile.cl or contact directly nhuneeus at uchile.cl.

Applicants must submit the following documents:

a) Curriculum Vitae

b) Statement of purpose

c) Research development plan

d) Proposal for undergraduate and postgraduate teaching

e) Copies of the most relevant publications (no more than three)

f) A report of bibliographic citations of publications (Web of Science)

g) Three (3) letters of recommendation

h) Copy of certification of degrees and academic titles

i) *Copy of doctoral degree certificate or a certificate/letter indicating
that it will be obtained before assuming the position*.

j) Simple sworn statement signed indicating compliance with the
requirements expressed in the application materials.

A full description of the requirements of the position is found in
https://concurso-academico.uchile.cl/ (Código FM2301)

H. Langley DeWitt, PhD
IGAC Director
University of Colorado/CIRES
Boulder, CO 80309-0216 USA
Email: langleydew at igacproject.org
Web: igacproject.org
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