[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in subseasonal forecasting of renewable energy (Switzerland)

Daniela Domeisen daniela.domeisen at unil.ch
Mon Aug 7 07:19:09 MDT 2023

PhD position in subseasonal forecasting at BFH and University of Lausanne
We are looking for a PhD student in Switzerland to work on subseasonal forecasting of renewable energy in a collaboration with industry stakeholders. https://ohws.prospective.ch/public/v1/jobads/f0ab40b8-dadc-4116-b34a-d5bcd995e1bf

Daniela Domeisen (she/her)
Associate Professor for Atmospheric Processes

University of Lausanne
Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics
Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
Géopolis Building
Lausanne, Switzerland

E-Mail:  daniela.domeisen at unil.ch
Web: https://wp.unil.ch/atmos/


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