[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral position at Georgia Tech in ocean modeling and internal wave mixing

Bracco, Annalisa abracco at gatech.edu
Wed Apr 12 20:51:27 MDT 2023

The Bracco's group is hiring!

A Postdoctoral Fellow position in physical oceanography is available at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech. The postdoctoral researcher will work collaboratively on a project that focuses on understanding internal waves dynamics in presence of mesoscale/submesoscale circulations and topographic features. Familiarity with regional ocean modeling, machine learning and/or modeling of sound propagation is preferred.

Postdoctoral Fellow appointments at Georgia Tech are full time and limited term (1-3 years).  Postdoctoral Fellows must have completed a Ph.D. or equivalent doctorate, typically within the past 5 years, and must be supervised/mentored by a faculty member.

Applications can be submitted through careers at https://hr.gatech.edu/careers, opening an account and searching for 250701 (Job ID). They should include

  *   Your most recently updated C.V.

  *   A cover letter stating your interests, qualifications, and the names of three people who can be contacted for a recommendation letter

I would appreciate if you could share this ad with suitable and interested candidates you might be aware of.

Feel free to contact me anytime regarding the post at abracco at gatech.edu

Annalisa Bracco

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