[ES_JOBS_NET] Graduate positions in weather/climate at IU Bloomington, Indiana

Paige Martin paigemar at umich.edu
Tue Sep 13 20:34:38 MDT 2022

Thanks for your email! I will be out of the office and only checking email sporadically until September 26th. If you expect a response, I will reply to your message upon my return.

On Aug 22, 2022, at 09:45, O'Brien, Travis Allen via Es_jobs_net <es_jobs_net at mailman.ucar.edu> wrote:

> Dear Potential Ph.D. and M.S. Students,
> On behalf of my colleagues in the Earth and Atmospheric Science Department at Indiana University, Bloomington, we invite you to consider joining our department to pursue a graduate degree in Atmospheric Science!
> The EAS department at IU Bloomington includes 6 faculty actively teaching and researching a range of topics in climate and atmospheric science, including: extreme weather and climate, climate variability and change, global circulation and the hydrological cycle, tropical cyclone predictability, and wind energy.  Climate modeling and big data analysis are common factors across these research themes, both of which take advantage of high-performance computing resources available for free to the IU research community.  The atmospheric science group at IU is closely integrated with other faculty in the Earth sciences, providing the opportunity to pursue a holistic approach to understanding our changing world.  Our research is done in collaboration with numerous other world class departments, schools, and institutes at Indiana University, including the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering and the O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs.
> We have multiple openings for M.S. and Ph.D. students fully funded by research and teaching assistantships.  Potential topics include:
> 	•	Coastal climate and extremes
> 	•	Tropical waves and stratospheric moisture
> 	•	Hadley cell dynamics and drought
> 	•	Jet stream dynamics
> 	•	Climate engineering
> 	•	Tropical cyclone dynamics and modeling
> We seek students from all backgrounds with (1) general curiosity about weather and climate, (2) demonstrated quantitative skills, and (3) a drive to learn and develop innovative mathematical and/or computational solutions to challenging research problems in weather and climate.  If this excites you, we would love to hear from you!
> You can learn more about our department and IU Bloomington here: https://go.iu.edu/3jha
> Bloomington is recognized as one of the best places to live in the US, with a vibrant, active community that benefits from the metropolitan qualities of a large city and the easy pace of a small town.
> Feel free to reach out to me or any of the faculty listed below if you are interested in applying!
> Sincerely,
> -Travis-
> For more information about potential graduate positions in Fall 2023, please reach out to Professors:
> 	•	Chanh Kieu
> 	•	Ben Kravitz
> 	•	Travis O’Brien
> 	•	Paul Staten
> -- 
> Travis A. O'Brien
> Pronouns: he/him
> Assistant Professor
> Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
> Indiana University, Bloomington
> Visiting Faculty
> Climate and Ecosystem Sciences Division
> Lawrence Berkeley Lab
> Topical Editor
> Geoscientific Model Development
> https://earth.indiana.edu/directory/faculty/obrien-travis.html
> +1 (812) 856-6298
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