[ES_JOBS_NET] Oct-Nov California forest and fire ecology field crew member positions

Derek Young djyoung at ucdavis.edu
Mon Sep 12 18:48:14 MDT 2022

The University of California, Davis is recruiting late-season field crew
members for a study of post-fire forest recovery in locations across the
mountains of northern California. The fieldwork will occur within the 2021
Caldor and Dixie fire footprints and provide an opportunity to observe a
diversity of California mountain landscapes and post-fire conditions. The
work involves surveying regenerating vegetation (e.g., tree seedlings,
shrubs) and overstory canopy conditions. The field season is underway, and
we are recruiting additional field technicians to extend the season.

We are recruiting technicians to start on approx. October 5, 2022 (or
earlier if possible), and work for 4-6 weeks, potentially longer, weather
and fire conditions permitting.

Applications will be reviewed as they are received until the positions are
filled. For full position details and application instructions, access the
PDF position announcement here:

Derek Young, Ph.D. | Research Ecologist
Department of Plant Sciences, University of California, Davis
Website: changingforests.com | Phone: 530-430-7715
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