[ES_JOBS_NET] Remote Associate Scientist Position on North American Fire-Climate (via CIRES)

Chris Guiterman Chris.Guiterman at colorado.edu
Wed Sep 7 06:34:39 MDT 2022

We are accepting applications for an Associate Scientist ($50,000 to
$75,000 per year) to work part-time or full-time for 1-2 years. The
position is to collaborate with a group of fire-climate researchers on a
wide-range of exciting research using tree-ring and satellite-based fire
histories. No fire or paleo expertise is required. The ideal hire will have
extensive experience using R (or related software) to conduct a variety of
advanced tasks, such as data wrangling, functional programming, modeling,
geospatial analyses, and graphics.

Full advertisement: https://jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail/?jobId=42414

Thank you,
Chris Guiterman

*Christopher Guiterman, PhD*
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES)
University of Colorado at Boulder, and
NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
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