[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant/Associate Faculty Hire @ UC Irvine in Earth System Science

Jane Baldwin tweetybaldwin at gmail.com
Sun Oct 30 20:53:45 MDT 2022

*The Department of Earth System Science (ESS)
<https://www.ess.uci.edu/> at The University of California, Irvine
<https://uci.edu/> is recruiting an Assistant Professor (tenure track) or
an Associate Professor (tenured) whose research, teaching, and service
contribute to UCI’s Black Thriving Initiative (BTI) and the Infrastructure
Equity Cluster Hiring Initiative.*
*Please see the full ad application instructions here: *
*Review of applications begins 11/28/22 and final date for submission is

*More details on position:* The successful candidate will have a
fundamental grounding in Earth system science. Their research should be
directed at quantitative understanding of human-driven environmental change
over local to global scales and the disproportionate impacts it may have on
historically marginalized communities. We seek a faculty member with a
clear vision to expand scientific knowledge that can facilitate
mitigation/adaptation measures to increase resilience within economically
disadvantaged communities and communities of color. Research areas of
interest to this call include but are not limited to: air quality; extreme
heat; land use issues, including urban heat islands and green space
management; decarbonization of energy systems and infrastructure; equitable
pathways for attaining net zero emissions; flooding from sea level rise,
tropical cyclones (e.g., hurricanes), and extreme precipitation.
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