[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc - Stratospheric Variability in E3SM-MMF

Hannah, Walter Michael hannah6 at llnl.gov
Wed Oct 26 09:42:50 MDT 2022

Dear all,

The climate modelling group at LLNL has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher to conduct research on stratospheric variability with the Multi-scale Modeling Framework (MMF) configuration of the US DOE Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM). E3SM-MMF has been built to harness GPU acceleration to enable decadal experiments to be conducted much more efficiently.

The prospective candidate will work with a team of scientists to analyze model output from simulations to assess the realism of simulated stratospheric variability, especially the quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO). It is also important to probe the underlying processes, such as the balance between parameterized and resolved gravity waves. The prospective candidate will also be encouraged to design additional experiments to understand how to best leverage this unique approach.

More Job details can be found here:

Modeling Stratospheric Variability with E3SM - Postdoctoral Researcher<https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/LLNL/3743990000614001-modeling-stratospheric-variability-with-e3sm-postdoctoral-researcher>

Walter Hannah

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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