[ES_JOBS_NET] Graduate student opportunity in dissolved gas biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography (University of Connecticut)

Manning, Cara cara.manning at uconn.edu
Mon Oct 17 15:02:43 MDT 2022

Graduate student opportunity in dissolved gas biogeochemistry and chemical oceanography

Research opportunity: Dr. Cara Manning's research group<https://www.caramanning.com> at the University of Connecticut Department of Marine Sciences<https://marinesciences.uconn.edu> (UConn) seeks applicants for a fully funded MS or PhD position in dissolved gas biogeochemistry/chemical oceanography, to begin in fall or summer 2023.

Researchers in the group use dissolved gases and other biogeochemical tracers to conduct research on topics ranging from marine productivity and nutrient cycling to greenhouse gas dynamics in coastal and polar waters. Available projects for incoming graduate students include, but are not limited to:
1) quantifying net and gross ecosystem productivity in coastal waters using continuous and discrete measurements of gas tracers (O2, N2, and N2O) and estimates of physically-driven fluxes such as mixing rates and gas exchange
2) developing high-throughput methods for measuring dissolved N2 and noble gases, and applying them to improve estimates of denitrification rates in coastal waters and sediments
3) characterizing greenhouse gas distributions and sea-air fluxes in coastal and polar systems

The student should have an interest in developing skills in computational biogeochemistry, including data analysis, quality control, and visualization of large data sets.

The selected student will receive a stipend starting at $35,766/year for those with a bachelor's degree or $37,634/year for those with a master's degree. They will be provided a full tuition waiver and access to low-cost comprehensive medical and dental insurance. The student will also be reimbursed for relocation expenses and receive a computer to use during their degree.

Department and campus: The UConn Department of Marine Sciences is located on the Avery Point campus in Groton, adjacent to Long Island Sound. The graduate program in Marine Sciences offers the intimacy and support of a small campus, coupled with the resources of a large, research-intensive public university.

Application procedure: Prior to submitting their formal application, interested students are encouraged to contact Dr. Manning by email (cara.manning at uconn.edu<mailto:cara.manning at uconn.edu>) with the subject line "Prospective graduate student" and should provide:
A) a cover letter describing their motivation for pursuing a graduate degree in Dr. Manning's group and at the UConn Department of Marine Sciences, how their research interests relate to the proposed projects or other topics within the scope of the lab's research, and their past and ongoing research, academic, and work experiences
B) a CV or resume
C) unofficial transcripts

Dr. Manning will respond to applicants who may be a good fit to set up a video call. Students who are encouraged to apply for the program after completing an interview will be offered an application fee waiver. Formal applications should be sent to the UConn graduate school by January 10, 2023 for fall admission. GRE scores are not required nor considered.

Equity, diversity and inclusion: We are committed to fostering an equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been underrepresented in and/or historically excluded from geosciences research. All members of Dr. Manning's group are expected to spend time educating themselves on best practices in building equitable, diverse, and inclusive research groups, departments, and classrooms, and playing an active role in implementing these practices.

All opportunities with Dr. Manning's group will be posted at https://www.caramanning.com/join.

Cara Manning, PhD (she/her)
Assistant Professor
Department of Marine Sciences
University of Connecticut
Research Website<http://www.caramanning.com/>

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