[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD student opportunities at the University of Rochester

Petrenko, Vasilii vasilii.petrenko at rochester.edu
Mon Nov 14 11:55:56 MST 2022

The Ice Core and Atmospheric Chemistry Lab <http://www.sas.rochester.edu/ees/petrenko/index.html> and the Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Group < http://atmos.earth.rochester.edu/> at the University of Rochester have openings for up to 2 PhD students. Students would work on research projects aiming to improve our understanding of the atmospheric cycle of methane in past, modern and future atmospheres. Methane is an important contributor to anthropogenic warming and a key player in global atmospheric chemistry, and its atmospheric concentration is currently rising at unprecedented rates. The projects would provide experience with hands-on work in the field and laboratory, as well as with using chemistry-climate models to interpret observations. For further information, please contact Vas Petrenko at vasilii.petrenko at rochester.edu<mailto:vasilii.petrenko at rochester.edu> or Lee Murray at lee.murray at rochester.edu<mailto:lee.murray at rochester.edu>. For information on applying to the graduate program at the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Rochester please see http://www.sas.rochester.edu/ees/graduate/apply.html.

Vasilii Petrenko
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Dept of Earth and Environmental Sciences
227 Hutchison Hall
University of Rochester
Rochester, NY 14627
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