[ES_JOBS_NET] Fw: BSC vacancy on data assimilation for atmospheric composition

Angela Benedetti Angela.Benedetti at ecmwf.int
Wed Nov 9 06:40:29 MST 2022

From: Enza Di Tomaso <enza.ditomaso at bsc.es>
Sent: 09 November 2022 13:33
Subject: BSC vacancy on data assimilation for atmospheric composition

Dear All,

could you please distribute among interested candidates our vacancy for a postdoc to work on data assimilation for atmospheric composition (deadline 30 November):


For further information, they can also contact us directly (the announcement provides the relevant contacts).

Many thanks!


Dr. Enza Di Tomaso
Atmospheric Composition Group
Earth Sciences Department
Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Plaça Eusebi Güell, 1-3
08034 Barcelona, Spain
email: enza.ditomaso at bsc.es<mailto:enza.ditomaso at bsc.es>
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