[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc position in atmospheric chemical ionization mass spectrometry at the University of Eastern Finland (Aerosol Physics Group)

Siegfried Schobesberger siegfried.schobesberger at uef.fi
Tue Nov 8 02:45:11 MST 2022

Hi all,

We are looking for a postdoc to join our group at the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) for work related to the VILMA project (Virtual laboratory for molecular level atmospheric transformations https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/VILMA).

The core of the work is lab experiments using a thermal desorption inlet (FIGAERO-CIMS) to investigate aerosol composition plus the measurement process itself. Other gadgets here include a Vocus-PTR mass spec and an extractive electrospray (EESI) aerosol inlet.
Although the work is primarily experimental, interest in applying advanced analysis and simple modeling methods is very welcome. There will also be opportunities to contribute other lab and field campaigns.

Besides UEF, VILMA involves Tampere University, Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. With 10 PIs in atmospheric as well as computer science, it provides collaborations between molecular-level atmospheric science work and new research in AI methods.

The position is for 2 years initially.

For further information and questions, please contact Siegfried Schobesberger (siegfried.schobesberger at uef.fi<mailto:siegfried.schobesberger at uef.fi>)

And of course, feel free to forward to any potentially interested candidates!


Siegfried Schobesberger, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
Department of Applied Physics
University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio
Email | siegfried.schobesberger at uef.fi
Phone | +358 50 3390647

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