[ES_JOBS_NET] Satellite Remote Sensing Scientist at the California Air Resources Board

Schroeder, Jason@ARB jason.schroeder at arb.ca.gov
Thu Nov 3 10:54:21 MDT 2022

The Research Division in the California Air Resources Board is recruiting a satellite remote sensing scientist. This scientist will help translate novel academic research, primarily using satellite remote sensing, into real-world action on air pollution and climate change. Candidates who have experience using AOD, surface measurements, meteorology, and other variables to derive high-resolution surface concentrations of PM2.5 are especially encouraged to apply. This successful candidate may work remotely up to 80% of the time, but must be based in California and must have the ability to commute to our headquarters in Sacramento the remaining 20% of the time. Please see the full job posting for more details: https://www.calcareers.ca.gov/CalHrPublic/Jobs/JobPosting.aspx?JobControlId=338334

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