[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD Researcher position, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

Claire Pettersen pettersc at umich.edu
Sun May 22 12:37:29 MDT 2022

The Faculty of Science and Technology at the Norwegian University of Life
Sciences (NMBU) has a vacant PhD–position related to precipitation
measurements within the field of experimental meteorology. The PhD position
is for a period of 3 years, or up to 4 years if teaching and other work
duties are agreed.

This PhD research project aims at the development of a more accurate
precipitation measurement product in challenging weather situations.

The successful candidate will analyse existing measurements, performing own
observations and work on combining products from the different sensors,
utilizing the strengths and different information contents of those
sensors, thus compensating for the weaknesses of the individual measurement
methods depending on the weather situation.

Further, dedicated field campaigns are planned, which will use the
facilities of NMBU and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

The university fully funds the PhD scholarship.

*Application deadline: 01.06.2022*

contact: mareile.astrid.wolff at nmbu.no

For more information on tasks and requirements, as well as for applying to
the position, please visit the complete announcement on jobbnorge:


Claire Pettersen, PhD
Assistant Professor
Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
University of Michigan
608 772 6270
pettersc at umich.edu
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