[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant Professor of Hard Rock Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma

Elwood Madden, Megan E. melwood at ou.edu
Mon May 16 19:19:23 MDT 2022

Dear Earth Science Jobs Network community,

Please share the following opportunity broadly:

OU invites applications for an Assistant Professor of hard rock geosciences. I’ve enjoyed my ~15 years in Norman. It’s the most exciting time I have experienced in our School and University, with cross-cutting support for initiatives in which hard rock geosciences play a key role.

Full details are found at: https://apply.interfolio.com/106282<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/apply.interfolio.com/106282__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!9VcL-xJKOUAhpMc04KAWfehFa2E_WIQXfKNXH59v9gVmDpniIiSbimnSVmdy7H5WWPKIph7RTn81olYqXA$>.

I’m happy to answer any questions, and thank you!


Dr. Andrew S. Elwood Madden
University of Oklahoma
Director, Samuel Roberts Noble Microscopy Laboratory (SRNML)
http://ou.edu/microscopy, @OUsrnml<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/twitter.com/OUsrnml__;!!GNU8KkXDZlD12Q!9VcL-xJKOUAhpMc04KAWfehFa2E_WIQXfKNXH59v9gVmDpniIiSbimnSVmdy7H5WWPKIph7RTn9l3RRYsg$>
Frank and Henrietta Schultz Chair and Professor of Geosciences

Please note that I fully respect your working hours and I do not expect you to respond to any messages outside of your regular work schedule

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