[ES_JOBS_NET] Employment Opportunity (PASSCAL Instrument Center, New Mexico Tech) - Magnetotellurics Specialist

Andy Frassetto andy.frassetto at iris.edu
Wed May 4 09:22:13 MDT 2022

The PASSCAL Instrument Center (PIC) at New Mexico Institute of Mining 
and Technology (NMT), located in Socorro, is hiring a magnetotellurics 
(MT) specialist.

This is an exciting time for MT science in the United States. Investment 
by the National Science Foundation into the SAGE facility, which IRIS 
(https://iris.edu/hq/) operates in conjunction with NMT, has established 
a modern pool of MT instruments and data handling resources for 
researchers. The MT specialist position is a unique opportunity to apply 
your science skills in a collaborative, team-based environment to help 
grow the U.S.-based MT science community. My presentation for the 2021 
Fall AGU meeting describes this growing resource: 

Information on the position is available here: 

Please pass this onto colleagues who might be interested. If you're 
thinking about applying and have any general questions, don't hesitate 
to get in touch Bruce Beaudoin (PIC Director, bruce at passcal.nmt.edu) or 
Andy Frassetto (IRIS MT Program Manager, andy.frassetto at iris.edu)

Andy Frassetto, PhD, Seismologist
Program Manager
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology

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