[ES_JOBS_NET] Fwd: PhD position in tree ring mercury

Adam Csank adam.csank at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 16:07:50 MDT 2022

Hi All,

Apologies for cross-posting but I wanted to draw your attention to the
following opportunity for a PhD student to work on an NSF funded project to
develop tree-rings as a proxy for atmospheric mercury concentrations here
at UNR.

The Gustin Mercury Lab in collaboration with the Nevada Paleoenvironmental
Analysis Laboratory (NevPAL) at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) is
recruiting a PhD student to work with us on an NSF-funded project to
investigate how trees record atmospheric mercury and to develop long-term
records of atmospheric mercury using a combination of tree-ring stable
isotopes, dendrochronological approaches, and dendrochemistry.

The PhD student will investigate the role that past leaf-level gas exchange
and physiological responses to climate has in impacting how trees uptake
mercury and use this information to develop long-term records of
atmospheric mercury from tree rings in the Great Basin and the northern
Rocky Mountains.

This project is fully funded for 3 years with options for fellowships
and/or TA support for additional years. Depending on student interest,
students may choose to do their degree either in Natural Resources;
Geography or through either the Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs
Hydrologic Sciences (https://www.unr.edu/hydrologic-sciences), Ecology,
Evolution and Conservation Biology Graduate program (
https://www.unr.edu/eecb).  Note application deadlines have already passed
but exceptions can be made if a student wishes to start in Fall 2022 or
interested student's could start in January of 2023.

Interested students are asked to email Dr. Mae Gustin (mgustin at unr.edu)
and/or Dr. Adam Csank (acsank at unr.edu) with an email containing a statement
of interest in the position, an unofficial transcript and a CV.


Dr. Adam Csank

Department of Geography

University of Nevada, Reno

acsank at unr.edu

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