[ES_JOBS_NET] Graduate research assistantship (MS) in hydrological modeling and water scarcity

Sean Woznicki woznicse at gvsu.edu
Mon Jan 31 11:13:45 MST 2022

Applications are invited for a fully-funded MS graduate research assistantship at Grand Valley State University's Annis Water Resources Institute (AWRI), starting in summer or fall 2022. The selected candidate will work with Dr. Sean Woznicki as a member of a multidisciplinary, multi-institution team on a NASA-funded research project linking land use change, climate change, water scarcity, and agricultural policy in southeast Europe. The student will develop hydrological models that quantify water availability in response to climate and land use changes. For more information on the project, visit: https://lcluc.umd.edu/projects/water-scarcity-serbian-danube-agricultural-land-use-change-and-irrigation.
The prospective student should have a bachelor's degree in environmental science, geography, or a related discipline. Knowledge and/or experience in hydrology and GIS is desired, and skills in the following are highly valued: (1) hydrologic/water quality modeling; (2) programming (Python and/or R); (3) working with large datasets. The student should be able to work and communicate effectively within a multidisciplinary team.
This position is fully-funded (tuition and stipend) and is eligible for annual renewal. The selected applicant will pursue a MS in Biology (Aquatic Sciences) at Grand Valley State University.
AWRI maintains state-of-the-art analytical and GIS laboratories, a mesocosm facility, two research vessels, and several smaller watercraft. AWRI is located on Muskegon Lake in Muskegon, MI, on the shores of Lake Michigan. The Institute is located approximately 30 miles from the main campus of GVSU. More information can be found at https://www.gvsu.edu/wri/ and https://www.gvsu.edu/wri/woznicki/.
Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Dr. Sean Woznicki (woznicse at gvsu.edu<mailto:woznicse at gvsu.edu>), and include a (1) cover letter stating your interest and skills/experience; (2) current resume/CV with contact information of three professional references.

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