[ES_JOBS_NET] Three PhD-positions focussing on winter seasonality of arctic terrestrial ecosystems (based in Abisko and Umeå)

Matthias Siewert matthias.siewert at umu.se
Wed Jan 19 02:31:33 MST 2022


*Three PhD-positions focussing on winter seasonality of arctic 
terrestrial ecosystems (based in Abisko and Umeå)**
Dear colleagues,

Umeå University is opening up *three PhD-positions*.

Deadline for application: *14 February 2022*

*1. PhD position in ecology with focus on carbon cycling in arctic 
terrestrial ecosystems*:

*2. PhD position in ecology with focus on plant-soil-microbe 
interactions in arctic ecosystems*:

*3. PhD position in ecology with focus on remote sensing of arctic 
terrestrial ecosystems*:

The three positions are part of a large interdisciplinary project that 
aims to understand and quantify how processes during the arctic winter 
may be decisive for overall feedbacks from arctic tundra to the global 
climate. Arctic ecosystems store large amounts of organic carbon in 
plants and soil. Uptake of carbon by arctic plants is strongly limited 
by their access to nutrients, especially nitrogen, due to competition by 
microbes. Year-round carbon and nitrogen balances thus depend 
the activities of plant and microbial communities and their seasonality. 
This interdisciplinary project will involve a research team of about 
eleven senior and postdoctoral scientists, four PhD students and two 
technical staff. Together, we will advance basic knowledge of plant and 
microbial activities during the cold season. The project will further 
assess the environmental drivers and community traits that may be used 
to up-scale and predict effects of asynchronies on year-round carbon and 
nitrogen balances of tundra. Position 1 and 2 will be based in Abisko 
(with course work in Umeå), position 3 in Umeå (with fieldwork in 
Abisko). More information can be found via the links above. We welcome 
all applications!

*Dr. Matthias Siewert*
Universitetslektor (Associate Professor)
Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Umeå University - Sweden - E-mail: matthias.siewert at umu.se 
<mailto:matthias.siewert at umu.se>
My graphical CV 
ResearchGate Profile <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matthias_Siewert>
Recent papers (2021):
Siewert & Olofsson (2021) UAV reveals substantial but heterogeneous 
effects of herbivores on Arctic vegetation 
Siewert, et al. (2021) Permafrost Causes Unique Fine‐Scale Spatial 
Variability Across Tundra Soils. GBC. 
___Krickov, et al. (2021) _Sizable carbon emission from the floodplain 
of Ob River. Ecol. Indicators. 
_Azevedo, et. al. (2021) _Predicting Soil Respiration from Plant 
Productivity (NDVI). Remote Sensing. 
___MacDougall, et al. (2021) _Phenology of Arctic Mountain plants 
between 20th and 21st century, GCB. 
Mishra et al. (2021) Spatial heterogeneity & env. predictors of 
permafrost region soil organic carbon. Science Adv. 

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