[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc Position at Boston University

Hughes, Zoe zoeh at bu.edu
Thu Jan 6 09:01:45 MST 2022

Boston University is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to model coastline evolution in Massachusetts, USA. The postdoctoral researcher will use the numerical models Delft3D and SWAN to determine sediment transport dynamics along an energetic indented shoreline characterized by a tidal inlet, a tombolo, a tidal river mouth and varying levels of human development. The goal of the project is to determine the long-term evolution of a complex shoreline under the effect of sea level rise, with particular emphasis on non-linear feedbacks among landscape units. 
The model will be calibrated with extensive field measurements collected by Dr. Duncan Fitzgerald at BU and Dr. Chris Hein at VIMS, with the possibility for the postdoc to participate to the field campaigns. The study area encompasses Horseneck Beach State Reservation (https://www.mass.gov/locations/horseneck-beach-state-reservation <https://www.mass.gov/locations/horseneck-beach-state-reservation>) and Allens Pond Wildlife Sanctuary (https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/allens-pond <https://www.massaudubon.org/get-outdoors/wildlife-sanctuaries/allens-pond>). This project is a collaboration between BU, VIMS, Woods Hole Group and the Buzzards Bay Coalition. 
Knowledge of the Delft3D-SWAN modelling framework, particularly the integrated use of the models, is recommended but not required.
The postdoctoral fellowship will last two years with immediate starting date.
For applications, please contact Dr. Zoe Hughes (zoeh at bu.edu <mailto:zoeh at bu.edu>) and Dr. Sergio Fagherazzi (sergio at bu.edu <mailto:sergio at bu.edu>)
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