[ES_JOBS_NET] Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in Environmental Science at York University

Stephanie C. Domenikos sdomenik at yorku.ca
Tue Jan 4 12:48:10 MST 2022

The Division of Natural Science (NATS), Department of Science and Technology Studies at York University (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), invites highly qualified candidates to apply for a teaching stream tenure-track position in Environmental Sciences at the rank of Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, to commence July 1, 2022.

This opportunity is open to qualified individuals who self-identify as an Indigenous person. Seeking to strengthen the representation of Indigenous faculty and the inclusion of Indigenous knowledges and perspectives, this opportunity is to support the University’s Affirmative Action program and has been developed based on the special program provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code.

A Ph.D. (by the start of the appointment) in any science field, with expertise in Environmental Sciences is required, as is an ability to teach science to non-science majors at the undergraduate level. Experience communicating science to non-science individuals (e.g., via social media platforms) is an asset. An Indigenous scholar would complement and accentuate the breadth of diverse teaching and learning supported by the expanding Department of Science & Technology Studies and the Division of Natural Science.

For more information, please see the full job ad at: http://webapps.yorku.ca/academichiringviewer/viewposition.jsp?positionnumber=2244

Dr. Stephanie Domenikos
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Division of Natural Sciences
Department of Science and Technology Studies
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