[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoc on impacts of climate extremes Uppsala U, Sweden (New Deadline)

Gabriele Messori gabriele.messori15 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 22:53:10 MST 2022

Postdoc on impacts of climate extremes

Uppsala University, Sweden

There is an opening for a postdoctoral position on impacts of climate
extremes in my group at Uppsala University. *There is flexibility on the
start date*, and the position is for 24 months. Do not hesitate to contact
me (gabriele.messori at geo.uu.se) should you have any questions.* Deadline
for applications is the 5th January 2023.*

*Further details and application form here: *


Applications over email will not be accepted.

*The position*

The post-doc will work on the automated collection and analysis of data on
impacts of climate extremes from text-based sources. We warmly encourage
applicants with prior experience in natural language processing, automated
extraction of information from textual sources or implementation of machine
learning algorithms.

*The research group*

I coordinate a lively research group based at the Dept. of Earth Sciences
in Uppsala, which focuses on extreme climate events in the mid and high
latitudes. I currently head two nationally funded research projects, an ERC
project and a large H2020 consortium. More information on our ongoing
research can be found at *https://gmessori.eu/ <https://gmessori.eu/>*.

*The department*

Uppsala University is a comprehensive, research-intensive university with a
strong international standing. The Department of Earth Sciences (
https://www.geo.uu.se/ <https://www.geo.uu.se/?languageId=1>) is one of the
most complete such academic departments in Europe.

*Gabriele Messori*
Professor of Meteorology
Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
www.gmessori.eu   gabriele.messori at geo.uu.se

Coordinator of H2020 ITN project EDIPI, www.edipi-itn.eu

PI of H2020 ERC project CENÆ, www.cenae-erc.eu

Member of the Young Academy of Sweden
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