[ES_JOBS_NET] 12 opening for Research Physical Scientists, NOAA's Global Monitoring Laboratory in Boulder CO

Christine Wiedinmyer Christine.Wiedinmyer at Colorado.EDU
Wed Aug 24 07:17:25 MDT 2022

See https://www.usajobs.gov/job/671543000

The Global Monitoring Laboratory (GML) is announcing 12 Physical Scientist (ZP-1301-3/4) positions using direct hiring authority for positions spanning across its 3 theme areas (radiation, greenhouse gases and ozone) and observatory operations. Positions will be filled to participate in and lead investigations to characterize and understand atmospheric composition and its impact on the net radiative balance over space and time. Applicants are encouraged to identify their interest in the areas listed at: https://gml.noaa.gov/about/jobs.html
As a Physical Scientist, you will perform the following duties:

  *   Conduct scientific research related to complex physical processes in the atmosphere that improve scientific understanding of the influence human activities and natural processes have on atmospheric constituents affecting climate, ozone, and air quality.
  *   Design, develop, construct, calibrate, and deploy analytical systems for research and determining the abundance and distribution of trace chemicals/gases and aerosols in the atmosphere impacting climate, ozone, or air quality, and/or other properties to understand earth radiative balance (e.g., radiation, clouds, meteorological variables).
  *   Analyze atmospheric data for research focused on trace chemical abundance, emission, loss, distribution, variability, and trends using techniques with a range of complexities (e.g., Lagrangian and/or Eulerian models on regional to global scales and data analysis of time series).
  *   Perform long-term database management, data dissemination and software development for data visualization and statistical analysis. Develop new techniques, platforms, and networks for measurement and analysis of data for surface radiation and/or atmospheric composition. Expand stakeholder outreach and user base.

See https://www.usajobs.gov/job/671543000

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