[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in vehicle emissions measurement and modeling at Brigham Young University

Darrell Sonntag darrell_sonntag at byu.edu
Mon Aug 22 22:29:53 MDT 2022

Position Description:
PhD position in vehicle emissions measurement and modeling in the Department of Civil & Construction Engineering at Brigham Young University.
Interested? Questions? Contact Darrell Sonntag ( darrell_sonntag at byu.edu<mailto:darrell_sonntag at byu.edu>)
Basic Qualifications:

  *   BS and/or MS degree in Civil, Environmental, Chemical, Mechanical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, or other relevant engineering or science major.
  *   Previous experience or demonstrated ability to learn to conduct:
     *   Scientific data collection
     *   Measurements of gas-phase or particle-phase air pollutants
     *   Statistical analysis in data science languages, such as R or Python
     *   Development and application of vehicle emission models (MOVES), dispersion modeling (AERMOD) and/or photochemical air quality models (CMAQ)
Research projects include:

  *   Collect and analyze road-side vehicle emission measurements
  *   Develop methods to measure vehicle emissions from road-side emission measurements
  *   Model near-road air quality from road-side vehicle emission measurements
  *   Model and evaluate regional ozone and particulate matter formation using updated emissions data
Additional Requirements, Application Instructions and Dates

  *   Civil Engineering program admission requirements and application instructions
     *   https://gradstudies.byu.edu/civil-engineering-phd
  *   Brigham Young University admissions guide
     *   https://gradstudies.byu.edu/graduate-studies-admissions-guide
  *   Application due date:
     *   Applications for Winter Semester (January) 2023 start date due September 5, 2022
     *   Applications for Spring Term (April) 2023 start date due February 5, 2023
Advisor: Darrell Sonntag
Darrell Sonntag joined the BYU Civil & Construction Engineering faculty in April 2022. For the previous 12 years, he conducted research and worked as an engineer at the US Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Air Quality & Transportation. At the US EPA, his primary role was working with other engineers and scientists in developing a vehicle emissions model, the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES), used to estimate the air quality and greenhouse gas impacts of regulations and policies on vehicle emissions. At BYU, Dr. Sonntag is conducting measurements of vehicle emissions and indoor air quality. More at: https://cce.byu.edu/directory/darrell-sonntag

Brigham Young University
The mission of Brigham Young University - founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life. That assistance should provide a period of intensive learning in a stimulating setting where a commitment to excellence is expected and the full realization of human potential is pursued.
We are looking for students who are committed to the mission of Brigham Young University, which includes living by an honor code that includes (1) the Academic Honesty Policy (2) the Dress and Grooming Standards, and (3) the applicable Residential Living Standards. More at: https://gradstudies.byu.edu/about/honor-code-and-ecclesiastical-endorsement

Darrell Sonntag, PhD
Assistant Professor
Civil & Construction Engineering
430D EB Brigham Young University
darrell_sonntag at byu.edu

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