[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD positions in water resources at University of Delaware

Carolyn Voter cvoter at wisc.edu
Wed Sep 29 15:20:20 MDT 2021

We are recruiting 2 new PhD students to start in Fall 2022 in the area of ecohydrology, (green) stormwater management, and/or groundwater-surface water interactions at the University of Delaware. We seek applicants with a background in civil, environmental, or water resources engineering, hydrology, ecology, geosciences, or a related field. Experience with coding and/or hydrologic modeling is a plus, even if only in coursework. We value interdisciplinary collaborations and community-engaged research and welcome candidates who share an interest in one or more of these areas. Several options for projects exist; to get a sense for the work we do, see examples of current/past areas of research here: https://carolynbvoter.com. Interested candidates should send a CV and short description of research interests to Dr. Carolyn Voter (cvoter at udel.edu).

Accepted students will be fully funded and may apply/be advised through the Civil Engineering (https://ce.udel.edu/academics/graduate/), Earth Sciences (https://www.udel.edu/academics/colleges/ceoe/departments/es/degrees/#graduate), or Water Science and Policy (https://www1.udel.edu/watersciencepolicy/programdescription.html) Graduate Programs at the University of Delaware. The University of Delaware is a research university with Land Grant, Sea Grant, and Space Grant institutes which is centrally located between New York City and Washington D.C., in Newark, Delaware. UD is committed to creating an educational community that is intellectually, culturally and socially diverse—one that is enriched by the contributions and full participation of people from many different backgrounds.
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