[ES_JOBS_NET] Funded PhD Opportunity - Frost driven weathering in a source to sink framework

Jill A. Marshall jillm at uark.edu
Thu Oct 28 18:58:47 MDT 2021

I have a 3 year fully funded PhD (with up to two years of additional funding as a teaching assistant) for an NSF-funded<https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2116571&HistoricalAwards=false> source to sink, sediment production and transport project in the Arctic. The PhD student will be the lead on characterizing frost-driven rock cracking and detachment potential at the hillslope and larger scale. This project includes field observations, remote sensing, physical experiments, and numerical modeling. I'm (ambitiously) hoping we can advance frost cracking models applied to the great outdoors- with all of its messy complexity. Other parts of the project include rock breakdown during transport in frosty settings and a whole suite of collaborative questions related to sediment supply and transport in the Arctic.

For more information about the project and my and my group's research in general please check out my web page<https://jillamarshall.com/opportunities/>.

Students with a background in one or more of the following: geosciences, rock physics, physics, engineering, material science, sensor deployment, physics, geophysics, and modeling (physical or numerical) are especially encouraged to apply.  Previous degree does not need to be in the geosciences.

If interested, please email me, and include a CV, and details on specific research interests, skills, and background applicable to the project.

The Marshalling Science Lab group is a diverse an open community that welcomes all and I encourage those from non-traditional backgrounds and underrepresented communities to consider applying.


Jill A. Marshall
Assistant Professor | Department of Geosciences
Phone +1 (479) 575-2420
Web: jillamarshall.com<https://jillamarshall.com/>

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