[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD positions in hydrology and climate at Colorado School of Mines

Adrienne Marshall adriennemarshall at mines.edu
Mon Oct 18 16:00:56 MDT 2021

The Marshall lab group<https://people.mines.edu/adriennemarshall/> is recruiting Ph.D. students for funded positions starting in Fall 2022! Our group conducts data-driven computational research to understand linkages between climate and water. Research is focused in three areas: (1) snow hydrology, (2) ecohydrology in regions of discontinuous permafrost, and (3) the role of hydropower in decarbonizing energy systems and a warming climate. Methodologically, we use large spatial datasets and physically-based and statistical modelling, with a particular interest in critical evaluation of these methods. We value interdisciplinary collaboration, diversity and equity, and a healthy balance of ambition and rest.

Desired qualifications: We’re seeking students who are eager to contribute to scientific research of societal importance. Great candidates will hold a relevant M.S. degree by Fall 2022, be enthusiastic about science, have strong interpersonal and written communication skills, able to work individually and collaboratively, have experience with or willingness to learn reproducible computational research skills including programming and statistics, and have career goals that will be furthered by a PhD from Mines in either Hydrologic Sciences & Engineering or Geology & Geological Engineering.

To apply: Please send a CV and brief statement of interests to adriennemarshall at mines.edu<mailto:adriennemarshall at mines.edu>. In your cover letter, please include a description of: your relevant background, which of the three focus areas mentioned above (snow, ecohydrology, hydropower) most interest you, what kind of research and skills you are interested in learning or developing in graduate school, and how these will support your career.  The deadline for admission to Mines is December 15, but if you’re interested in working together, please send me materials by October 31 so we can start a conversation.

For more information:

Marshall lab website: https://people.mines.edu/adriennemarshall/

Hydrologic Sciences & Engineering: https://hydrology.mines.edu/

Geology & Geological Engineering: https://geology.mines.edu/

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