[ES_JOBS_NET] Ph.D. Positions at UC Santa Cruz - Paleoceanography and Fault Mechanics

Pratigya Polissar polissar at ucsc.edu
Sun Nov 21 12:44:12 MST 2021

Dear colleagues,

We are recruiting two Ph.D. students for Fall 2022 to work on funded projects in the areas of Paleoceanography and Fault Mechanics.  The first opportunity is an NSF-funded project developing paleo-pCO2 proxies based upon carbon isotope fractionation in marine algae (application deadline Dec. 10, 2021).  The second opportunity is a DOE-funded project investigating how rapid thermal maturation of organic-rich rocks during earthquake slip produces molecular signatures of heating that can be used to identify paleoearthquakes and their characteristics (application deadline Jan. 5, 2022).

Please distribute these opportunities to anyone you think might be interested.  Additional information can be found at https://people.ucsc.edu/~ppolissa/research.html <https://people.ucsc.edu/~ppolissa/research.html>.


Pratigya Polissar (pronouns: he/his)
Associate Professor
Department of Ocean Sciences
Earth and Marine Science Building A441
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
831.459.5846 (phone) 
polissar at ucsc.edu <mailto:polissar at ucsc.edu>
website <https://people.ucsc.edu/~ppolissa/>

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