[ES_JOBS_NET] Marine Fisheries positions at GMRI (Portland, ME)

David Reidmiller david.reidmiller at gmail.com
Thu Jun 17 12:15:26 MDT 2021

Please distribute to relevant colleagues and networks.
Both of these (MS and PhD level) positions would be in Dr. Lisa Kerr's lab
here at the Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI). Closing date is June


*Postdoctoral Researcher in Management Strategy Evaluation
GMRI is seeking applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral researcher position.
The postdoc will work under the supervision of Dr. Lisa Kerr at GMRI and
collaborate with Dr. Steven Cadrin at University Massachusetts Dartmouth
School for Marine Science and Technology. The research will focus on
evaluating the performance of alternative management procedures that aim to
resolve the identified mismatch in the scale of biological population
structure and management units of Atlantic cod. The candidate will apply
management strategy evaluation to quantify and compare the performance of
alternative management procedures that range in their alignment of
management units and the biological stock structure of cod.

*Quantitative Research Associate
The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is seeking applicants for a full-time
Quantitative Research Associate position focused on statistical analyses
and modeling of fish populations and marine ecosystem data. The work will
span multiple research projects that focus on modeling the performance of
fish, fisheries, and fisheries management under scenarios of climate
change, fishing, and other drivers of interest. Work will include
interacting with an interdisciplinary team and engagement with fishery
stakeholders. Responsibilities and leadership of these efforts will be
scaled with the applicant’s skill level.
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