[ES_JOBS_NET] Job vacancy in the Energy Meteorology group of ForWind at the University of Oldenburg, Germany

Dr. Gerald Steinfeld gerald.steinfeld at uni-oldenburg.de
Thu Jun 10 07:43:38 MDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

there is a new job vacancy at in Energy Meteorology Group of ForWind - Center for Wind Energy Research at the University of Oldenburg.
The job advertisement can  be found under the following link: https://uol.de/stellen?stelle=68091

Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of questions concerning our job offer.

I'm looking forward to receiving your application.

Best regards

Gerald Steinfeld

Dr. Gerald Steinfeld
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
ForWind - Zentrum für Windenergieforschung
Küpkersweg 70
26129 Oldenburg

E-Mail: gerald.steinfeld at uni-oldenburg.de<mailto:gerald.steinfeld at forwind.de>
Telefon: +49-(0)441-798-5073
Fax: +49-(0)441-798-5099
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