[ES_JOBS_NET] Geohydrology Internship Program (paid summer research for undergrad or grad students)

Zipper, Sam samzipper at ku.edu
Sun Jan 31 18:31:12 MST 2021

Geohydrology Internship Program (paid summer research for undergrad or grad students)

The Kansas Geological Survey is hiring TWO interns for summer 2021 to research Kansas' intermittent streams. One position will be primarily focused on hydrology and the other primarily on biogeochemistry, but both interns will gain interdisciplinary experience in field, laboratory, and computational techniques to help prepare them for a career in the geosciences. Internships are open to current students (undergrad or grad) and recent graduates and paid at $15/hr.

More info and to apply: http://www.kgs.ku.edu/Hydro/gipIndex.html (review begins February 21).
Contact Sam Zipper (samzipper at ku.edu) and Erin Seybold (erinseybold at ku.edu) with questions.

COVID notes: We are optimistic we'll be able to host interns in person, but if that is not possible, internships can be conducted remotely. However, given the difficulties of international travel this year we will only consider applicants already located and authorized to work in the US.

-Sam Zipper
samzipper.com<http://samzipper.com/> | @ZipperSam<https://twitter.com/ZipperSam> | publications<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XXIpO1YAAAAJ&hl=en>
Kansas Geological Survey
University of Kansas
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