[ES_JOBS_NET] Sea-going Oceanographer Cluster Hire, Oregon State University, CEOAS

Kipp Shearman Kipp.Shearman at oregonstate.edu
Wed Feb 17 09:28:58 MST 2021

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) at Oregon 
State University is pleased to re-open the search for four (4) 
research-focused, tenure-track, open rank professor positions, who 
maintain or have the potential to maintain sea-going research programs. 
Given the extensive delay in this hiring action we are inviting new 
applicants as well as encouraging previous applicants to update their 
application materials. This is a cluster hire that promotes 
interdisciplinary research across four focus areas: Biological 
Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, and Marine 
Geology and Geophysics. Applications to more than one position are 
suggested for candidates with interdisciplinary focus.

Additional information and application procedures are available at 

Review of applications will begin on April 16, 2021 and continue until 
April 30, 2021. Please direct questions about the position to the search 
committee chairs

Inquiries about this sea-going cluster hire may be directed to Drs. 
Marta Torres (marta.torres at oregonstate.edu), Byron Crump 
(byron.crump at oregonstate.edu), Rob Harris 
(robert.harris at oregonstate.edu), and Kipp Shearman 
(kipp.shearman at oregonstate.edu). For questions regarding the application 
process, please contact Karen Edwards (karen.edwards at oregonstate.edu).
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