[ES_JOBS_NET] NCAR/CGD Scientist I or II

Louisa Emmons emmons at ucar.edu
Thu Feb 4 18:46:47 MST 2021

The Level I or Level II scientist conducts original, independent and
collaborative research through a combination of theory, modeling across
scales, and observations. Furthers the CGD and NCAR missions to discover
the key processes of the atmosphere, their interactions and their role in
the climate system and in a changing climate. Increases understanding of
the processes that determine climate sensitivity, including moist
turbulence, microphysics and convection, and our ability to model them.
Investigates the same for cloud-aerosol-radiation interactions,
establishing poorly constrained processes such as aerosol activation,
scavenging and removal.

Determines uncertainties in these fundamental processes based on climate
regimes, where inherent sensitivities are most pronounced, including cloud
topped stable boundary layers, cumulus-stratocumulus transitions, organized
tropical convection and high-latitude marine cloudy regimens. More
generally leads activities addressing the above fundamental processes
within the CGD Atmosphere Modeling and Predictability (AMP) section,
utilizing a hierarchy of models including earth system models, process
models, simple models and Large Eddy Simulation (LES).

More information and application:
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