[ES_JOBS_NET] air pollution environmental justice graduate student positions

Pusede, Sally Ellen (sep6a) sep6a at virginia.edu
Mon Dec 20 10:15:24 MST 2021

The Pusede Lab is recruiting graduate students to work on air pollution environmental justice projects using satellite data funded by NASA and NSF. These are atmospheric chemistry projects and students will receive a PhD in Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia<https://evsc.as.virginia.edu>.

In addition to their dissertation research, graduate students will join the Repair Lab Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship program<https://graduate.as.virginia.edu/environmental-justice>, where they will have opportunities to work with local organizers and residents of environmental justice communities, to develop the policy-relevant aspects of their research, and to create multimedia storytelling projects with a multimedia producer.

This is a wonderful opportunity for students interested in air pollution, environmental justice, and satellite data, and who want to do scientific research while also engaging with the social dimensions of their work.

Interested students are welcome to email me with any questions (sep6a at virginia.edu).

All the best,

Sally Pusede
Assistant Professor
Department of Environmental Sciences
Co-Director, UVA Repair Lab
University of Virginia
Pusede Lab website<https://pusede.evsc.virginia.edu>
Twitter: @pusede_lab
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