[ES_JOBS_NET] Binghamton University 2022-23 Graduate Student Opportunities Advertisement

Christina Wood woodc at binghamton.edu
Tue Dec 7 07:04:19 MST 2021

Good morning,
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Are you ready to take on your next academic challenge? Through a lens of
integrated global change, the researchers in the *Department of Geological
Sciences and Environmental Studies <https://www.binghamton.edu/geology/>**
at **Binghamton University <https://www.binghamton.edu/>* are here to
mentor you on conducting cutting-edge research to address the complexity of
natural systems and perturbations.

We currently have multiple funding opportunities to support research in the
broad areas of climate dynamics, modern and ancient life, natural and
anthropogenic hazards, natural resources, petrology, and geochemistry. *Apply
now <https://www.binghamton.edu/geology/graduate/>* or reach out to any of *our
faculty <https://www.binghamton.edu/geology/faculty/index.html>* to learn
more about our program and available research opportunities.

Chris Wood
Administrative Assistant
Department of Geology
4400 Vestal Parkway East
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
woodc at binghamton.edu
P: (607) 777-4378
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
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