[ES_JOBS_NET] Post doc: Environmental and social impacts of energy and mineral production. Denver, CO, or Reston, VA

Diffendorfer, James (Jay) jediffendorfer at usgs.gov
Tue Dec 7 08:41:27 MST 2021

The United States Geological Survey is recruiting a post-doctoral scientist focused on the complex social and environmental issues surrounding energy and/or minerals. If you are interested in socio-ecological systems, coupled human natural systems, the rise of renewable energy, mineral extraction and use, integrated science, ecosystem services, geospatial modelling, big data, etc, please contact us! The candidate will have latitude to pursue novel research that best suits their existing skills and disciplinary expertise within the broad topic of the fellowship. We encourage applicants from a wide range of disciplines and may, pending funding, hire a cluster of post docs.

The post-doc will work with project co-leads Seth Haines, Jay Diffendorfer, Emily Pindilli, and Darius Semmens as a well as wide network of collaborators.  The location of position will depend on who the post-doc most wants to work with but will be either Reston, VA or Denver, CO. Annual salary: $84 -$86,000 depending on location, with generous benefits.

The application process closes on January 6, 2022.
The Mendenhall Program is described here<https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/20-39-integrating-energy-mineral-and-other-natural-resource-information-support>, and the details of the research opportunity 20-39: "Integrating energy, mineral, and other natural resource information to support resource management decision-making", here<https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/20-39-integrating-energy-mineral-and-other-natural-resource-information-support>.

Mendenhall fellowships require applicants to submit a proposal addressing the research opportunity.  This should be developed in collaboration with the project co-leads.  If you plan to apply, please email any of the project co-leads with subject line "20-39 Mendenhall Post-doc."
For non-US Citizens.  See this link<https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall/mendenhall-questions-and-answers>.  "Anyone can apply for a Research Opportunity; however, Mendenhall Fellowships are U.S. Government positions so the USGS must give preference to U.S. citizens. The hiring of citizens of other nations might be considered in very limited circumstances - if there are NO qualified U.S. citizen applicants, and if the person meets BOTH the appropriations act and immigration laws. Please refer to the Employment of non-citizens<https://www.usajobs.gov/Help/working-in-government/non-citizens/> webpage on USAJobs for additional details."
Any questions should be directed to:
Seth Haines, shaines at usgs.gov<mailto:shaines at usgs.gov>
Jay Diffendorfer, jediffendorfer at usgs.gov<mailto:jediffendorfer at usgs.gov>
Emily Pindill, epindilli at usgs.gov<mailto:epindilli at usgs.gov>
Darius Semmens, dsemmens at usgs.gov<mailto:dsemmens at usgs.gov>

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