[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral fellowship in paleoenvironmental science, or fire ecology, or archaeology at The University of Hong Kong

Jed O. Kaplan jed.kaplan at arve-research.com
Sun Aug 15 09:44:42 MDT 2021

Do you have a burning idea? Are you ready to jump into something new?

The TERRACES group, led by Jed Kaplan at The University of Hong Kong is searching for a talented, independent, ambitious early stage researcher for a 2+ year postdoctoral fellowship. While the actual topic of work will be open to agreement between the postdoc and supervisor; candidates with interdisciplinary research interests complementary to mine will have priority. Fields could include:
 - paleoenvironmental reconstruction
 - archaeological reconstruction of past land use systems
 - dynamic vegetation modeling including fire modeling
 - paleoclimate modeling for interesting periods in the Quaternary
 - field-based research on characterizing wildfire fuels using UAV LiDAR and multispectral sensors
 - some combination of the above, or something else I haven’t thought of.

For more information and instructions on how to apply, see http://web.hku.hk/~jkaplan/opportunities/. Consideration of applications begins 1 September 2021 and will continue until the position is filled.

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