[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in Arctic atmospheric chemistry

Sheesley, Rebecca Rebecca_Sheesley at baylor.edu
Tue Apr 20 08:54:56 MDT 2021

Graduate student positions

The research group of Dr. Rebecca Sheesley currently has a graduate assistant position available to study biogenic emissions and atmospheric chemistry in the Alaskan Arctic. Students will matriculate through the Dept of Environmental Science at Baylor University.

BEAR-oNS (Biogenic Emissions and Aerosol Response on the North Slope) is an Arctic study on atmospheric emissions, composition and chemistry on the North Slope of Alaska (funded by the National Science Foundation, NSF). Climate in the Arctic is changing at a rapid pace.  When vegetation reacts to these changes, chemicals called biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) can be released into the atmosphere in new ways. This project seeks to investigate how climate change affects the quantity and type of BVOCs released into the atmosphere on the North Slope of Alaska (NSA). In addition, we are interested in the chemical reactions these BVOCs undergo in the Arctic atmosphere. Project goals will be accomplished through field work on the NSA, collection and laboratory analysis of emission and atmospheric samples, and modeling of potential emissions and chemistry. Students on this project will collaborate with researchers at the University of California Riverside and Irvine.  Students will travel to the Arctic for summer field work and measure gas and particle phase organic species using field-based and lab-based mass spectrometry techniques.   Applicants are encouraged with previous coursework and/or experience in chemistry or environmental science. Previous experience with air quality or atmospheric chemistry is not required. Application for PhD positions is preferred, but Masters applicants are welcome as well.

Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with other research groups at Baylor and present their work at national and international conferences. The Department of Environmental Science at Baylor University is a growing department with strong support from the University.  Please contact Sheesley (Rebecca_sheesley at baylor.edu<mailto:Rebecca_sheesley at baylor.edu>) if you are interested.  More information on the Sheesley group is available at https://blogs.baylor.edu/rebecca_sheesley/

Start date as soon as Fall 2021, however, applications and interest for a 2022 start date are also encouraged. The successful candidate will receive a competitive stipend with health insurance and full tuition waiver.  Applications will continue to be accepted until positions are filled. For more information on graduate studies at Baylor http://www.baylor.edu/environmentalscience/index.php?id=55219

Rebecca J. Sheesley, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science
Baylor University
One Bear Place #97266
Waco, TX 76798-7266
Office:  (254) 710-3158

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