[ES_JOBS_NET] 2+ year postdoc at Brown University in modeling sea ice/polar oceanography

Chris Horvat christopher_horvat at brown.edu
Mon Apr 19 16:45:59 MDT 2021

We are searching for a research-minded Postdoctoral Research Associate
to join Brown University and the Scale Aware Sea Ice Project
<https://sasip-climate.github.io/>'s efforts to understand polar change.

The scientist will join a growing cohort of polar oceanographers
<http://brownpog.com/> and polar scientists
<https://www.amandalynch.org/arcticbrown> at the Institute at Brown for
Environment and Society <https://ibes.brown.edu/>. They will focus on ocean
and wave-driven mixing under sea ice - specifically coupling and running an
ocean general circulation model (e.g., MITgcm/ROMS/MOM) with new discrete
and continuum sea ice models.

They will be assisted by a research scientist at Brown's Center for
Computation and Visualization, a second postdoctoral researcher at Brown,
and with collaborators in Norway, France, and New Zealand who have
developed the core sea ice codes. The scientist will have significant
leeway for scientific exploration and self-directed research, especially
with collaborators within IBES and at Brown.

The position salary is $62,500 for two years, with the possibility of
extension. Relocation support will be offered. The hire will have access to
significant research, computing, and travel support. Hosting or traveling
to research visits will be supported, though not required.

Apply at apply.interfolio.com/85983 with a CV, 1 page cover letter/research
statement, and contact information for three references. All
applications received before May 1 will be considered together. The
position will remain open until filled.

Please direct any questions to Christopher Horvat: horvat at brown.edu
Christopher Horvat
Polar Oceanography at Brown <http://brownpog.com> | www.chrv.at
Assistant Professor (Research)
Institute at Brown for Environment and Society.
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