[ES_JOBS_NET] NextEra Analytics - Senior Scientist

TRACEY HOLLOWAY taholloway at wisc.edu
Sat Apr 17 15:12:58 MDT 2021

Begin forwarded message:

From: davidwabel.abel at gmail.com<mailto:davidwabel.abel at gmail.com>
Subject: NextEra Analytics - Senior Scientist
Date: April 14, 2021 at 11:52:52 AM CDT
To: Tracey Holloway <taholloway at wisc.edu<mailto:taholloway at wisc.edu>>

Hi Tracey!

We're looking for a new Senior Scientist to initially help with a measurements campaign for our solar energy sites. Could you send this to anyone you think might be interested?




David Abel, PhD, Principal Research Scientist| NEXTera Analytics, Inc. | 651-424-0097
10 River Park Plaza Suite 500 | Saint Paul MN 55107
david.abel at nexteraanalytics.com<mailto:david.abel at nexteraanalytics.com>

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