[ES_JOBS_NET] FW: Distinguished Staff Fellowship Fall Call

Herndon, Elizabeth herndonem at ornl.gov
Wed Sep 30 12:10:18 MDT 2020

Applications to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distinguished Staff Fellowship (DSF)<https://www.ornl.gov/careers/distinguished-fellowships> program are being accepted through Saturday, October 10, 2020 (5:00 p.m. EST). The program includes the Liane B. Russell, Alvin M. Weinberg, and Eugene P. Wigner Fellowships. The program cultivates future scientific leaders by awarding outstanding early-career scientists and engineers—who demonstrate success within their academic, professional, and technical   areas—with resources and enriching research opportunities.
Please forward this email to potential candidates in your network, external peers, collaborators, faculty colleagues to encourage their outstanding doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to apply.
Interested candidates may apply via this link: https://career4.successfactors.com/sfcareer/jobreqcareer?jobId=3090&company=utbattelleP&username=

Distinguished Staff Fellowship Program
Requisition #: 4060
Posted: 9/8
Closes: 10/10

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)<https://www.ornl.gov/> is the largest and most diverse science and energy laboratory in the US Department of Energy (DOE) system. DSF Fellows <https://www.ornl.gov/distinguished-fellowships/current-fellows> represent a broad range of disciplines and are expected to establish the foundation for a long-term career at ORNL, while program mentors facilitate each Fellow’s integration into ORNL’s scientific community and alignment of their research activities with Laboratory and DOE missions.
DSF candidates must demonstrate their ability to contribute to one (or more) of the following research areas:

  *   Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  *   Breakthrough nuclear technologies and systems
  *   Complexity in biological and environmental systems
  *   Cyber-physical systems
  *   Development and manufacturing of integrated energy systems
  *   Discovery and design of new materials and chemical processes for energy
  *   Isotope production and applications
  *   Quantitative biology and genome security
  *   Quantitative biology and genome security
  *   Scaling computing and data analytics to exascale and beyond
  *   Science and applications of neutron scattering
  *   Science and technology to address complex security challenges
Applicants must have received their PhD in a STEM field before they begin their fellowship and can be no more than 5 years beyond receiving their highest technical degree when they apply. Current ORNL postdoctoral researchers and ORNL staff members are not eligible to apply.
ORNL’s DSF program continues to play a vital role in ensuring the accomplishment of the Laboratory’s mission of delivering scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs needed to realize solutions in energy and national security and provide economic benefit to the nation.
For more details, please visit the program https://www.ornl.gov/careers/distinguished-fellowships. And again, please help us build the best group of candidates by forwarding this email to staff, and others in your internal and external networks.
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