[ES_JOBS_NET] Laboratory Technician position for Saint Louis University's WATER Institute

Elizabeth Hasenmueller elizabeth.hasenmueller at slu.edu
Wed Sep 30 10:39:40 MDT 2020

Laboratory Technician

The WATER Institute

Saint Louis University

The WATER Institute (http://www.slu.edu/water) at Saint Louis University (http://www.slu.edu/) is seeking a Laboratory Technician. The Laboratory Technician’s primary duty is to support the teaching and research instrumentation associated with the WATER Institute through maintenance, operation, and training. If you or someone you know may be interested, please find more details about the role and application requirements here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/slu.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=cea54d8847a03140ac2c8f005&id=baf3fda577&e=5076fd8288__;!!K543PA!dCoZeBtAqaoh-6KjA7aFIa5HKcHC9Pxl7vq9GYEM12DE_Vdgv7MaWqs-eWqcmfedBziO$> and learn more about working at SLU here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/slu.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=cea54d8847a03140ac2c8f005&id=6d05ea4ec1&e=5076fd8288__;!!K543PA!dCoZeBtAqaoh-6KjA7aFIa5HKcHC9Pxl7vq9GYEM12DE_Vdgv7MaWqs-eWqcmX0HJOAy$> or reach out to Dr. Liz Hasenmueller (elizabeth.hasenmueller at slu.edu). For full consideration, please apply by October 15, 2020. However, the position will remain open until filled.

Dr. Liz Hasenmueller

Associate Professor, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences

Associate Director, The WATER Institute

Saint Louis University


elizabeth.hasenmueller at slu.edu
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