[ES_JOBS_NET] Postdoctoral Fellowship with Stochastic Ice Sheet Project at Georgia Tech

Robel, Alexander A alexander.robel at eas.gatech.edu
Fri Sep 18 05:27:06 MDT 2020

Hello all,

I am excited to announce that the Georgia Tech Ice & Climate group has a two-year postdoctoral fellowship available as a part of the Stochastic Ice Sheet Project, funded by the Heising-Simons Foundation. This project is led by Alex Robel at Georgia Tech, and is in collaboration with Andrew Thompson at Caltech and Helene Seroussi at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA. The project scope includes: (1) the development of StISSM, a stochastically parameterized ice sheet model in which small-scale processes are simulated by stochastic processes, and (2) large ensemble simulation of the past and future evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet with StISSM for attribution and uncertainty quantification studies. Within the project scope, the postdoctoral fellow's responsibilities are flexible and depend on their interests and experience. The position is based in Atlanta, GA (USA), with opportunities to spend time working with collaborators at Caltech/JPL. Flexible and remote work arrangements are negotiable. Application information is below, and more detailed information about the position can be found at this link: https://iceclimate.eas.gatech.edu/opportunities/

Application eligibility and details: Candidates will be considered who have a PhD (or anticipated completion of a PhD by September 2021) in any relevant science or engineering field. Interested candidates may apply by e-mailing application materials to Alex Robel (robel at eas.gatech.edu<mailto:robel at eas.gatech.edu>), in the form of a single PDF with: (1) CV, (2) contact information for three references that can speak to the candidate's qualifications for this position, and (3) a short statement (less than 300 words) explaining their interest in this position and relevant previous experience/research. Review of applications will begin October 31, 2020.

Alex Robel

Assistant Professor
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Georgia Institute of Technology
PI, GT Ice & Climate Group
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