[ES_JOBS_NET] 2 Postdocs, 1 PhD- Biogeochemistry, Geomicrobiology and Weathering Univ. FL
Martin,Ellen Eckels
eemartin at ufl.edu
Fri Sep 4 12:57:45 MDT 2020
Two Postdoctoral and One PhD positions
Biogeochemistry, Geomicrobiology and Weathering in Greenland
Geological Sciences and Microbiology, University of Florida
We seek two Postdoctoral Researchers and a PhD student to join an NSF-funded research project titled "Significance of Ice-loss to landscapes in the Arctic: SILA (Inuit concept of the physical world and weather)" in the departments of Geological Science<file:///C:/Users/eemartin/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/OG90MK5V/Geological%20Science> and Microbiology<http://microcell.ufl.edu/>. This project builds on collaborations developed through the UF Water Institute Graduate Fellowship Program<https://waterinstitute.ufl.edu/education/wigf/2019-cohort/>. The research goal is to take an integrated approach to studying feedbacks between hydrogeology, geochemistry, biogeochemistry, microbiology, botany, ecosystem ecology, and weathering associated with retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Geological Sciences: The Postdoctoral Researcher position will be a 3 year appointment beginning in early 2021. Applications must be submitted through the UF jobs website<http://apply.interfolio.com/78379>: https://apply.interfolio.com/78379. Application instructions are available on this site. Evaluation of applicants will begin Oct. 1 and the position will stay open until filled.
Applications for the PhD position are due Jan. 15, 2021 and information about the application procedure can be found at the Department website<https://geology.ufl.edu/programs/graduate-program/prospective-graduate-students/>. Although the PhD student will matriculate in August 2021, opportunities exist for participation in the project starting late spring 2021.
Research for one of the positions will focus on biogeochemical processes related to hydrology, weathering, microbially mediated reactions, and plant community succession, and the other position will focus on radiogenic isotopes as tracers of dust and weathering processes in four watersheds extending from the ice to the coast.
For additional information: contact Jon Martin (jbmartin at ufl.edu) about the biogeochemistry project or Ellen Martin (eemartin at ufl.edu<mailto:eemartin at ufl.edu>) about the radiogenic isotope project.
Microbiology: The Polar Microbiology Postdoctoral Researcher (2.5 year appointment, review of applications will begin immediately) will focus on characterizing microbial communities in glacial and deglaciated environments to understand their contributions in solute fluxes to the ocean and greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.
For additional information: contact Brent Christner (xner at ufl.edu<mailto:xner at ufl.edu>)
Preference will be given to candidates interested in interdisciplinary collaborations, organizing and executing high latitude fieldwork, and relating their specific research on high latitude environmental sciences and climate change to non-science communities. We are also looking for candidates with demonstrated abilities to conduct independent research as well as effective oral and written communication skills. The first field season will start May 2021.
Participants in the Greenland project embrace multiple perspectives and approaches. We encourage applicants who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of this academic endeavor.
See information about ongoing Greenland research project: https://grainfluxes.geology.ufl.edu/
Ellen E. Martin (she/her)
Department of Geological Sciences
PO Box 112120
241 Williamson Hall
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611
Phone: (352) 392-2141
Fax: (352) 392-9294
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